- Learn how to space out meals so your child is actually hungry to eat, and you’re not spending all day fixing and cleaning up snacks.
- If the picky eating is beyond just needing to be hungry enough, we take a holistic approach to balance the gut flora in the digestive tract (in only 3-5 days, eating foods your child will already accept)
- Printable menu plans, suggested food lists, checklists to keep picky eating from creeping back up on you.
- Encouragement to parents that picky eating can be turned around QUICKLY without arguing, or begging
- Go from more picky than you would believe to ‘eats anything set in front of them’ in less than a week!
From a carb junkie to loving meat… Today is day 4 of the diet, and I cannot get my boys full. Even the 6-year-old is eating 3-4 helping of meat.
“Like clockwork, after 3 days he was eating until he was FULL at meals. No more waking up with a ‘stomachache’ that was really him being hungry because he just picked at dinner the night before. Totally worth it- it was just a few days of effort!” ~ Rachel, mom of 6, about her 7-year-old